NextGen Human Resource Management

NextGen Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the core software applications of NextGen ERP solution. It is an in-house software tool built using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Cloud Networking and Data Science.It helps to automate human resource management functions used in industries quite efficiently.

It merges every element of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and includes capabilities of Human Capital Management (HCM).

NextGen HRM is built on a single and comprehensive database management system. Data analysis and reporting tools are an essential part of the system, allowing full utilization of information stored securely.Primarily NextGen HRM is a ‘web-based’ application. However, ‘standalone’ and ‘hybrid’ solutions are available focusing on customer requirements.

Key Features

NextGen HRM solution provides great features for small to large scale companies.

Our software offers essential features that are necessary for the automation of your company’s human resource management system. Besides web application, we also offer android version of NextGen HRM

Read NextGen HRM brochure

Key Features

NextGen HRM APP is mainly designed for Android Mobile Users. It is an extension of cloud-based application for android user. NextGen HRM and NextGen HRM APP are connected and synchronized using cloud service.

Using NextGen HRM APP any employer can take employee attendance quite easily. Employees can make a request for leave and can see salary details for current month along with yearly salary report.

NextGen HRM (Web-based application)

Salary Management

The salary is managed with the company’s predefined salary scale. Annual salary of an user can be managed including government imposed tax.

Leave Management

Keep track of user’s leave through graphical interface. It supports annual and monthly leave management. It can generate leave summary and report in different file formats.

Dashboard & Reporting

Customized reporting is one of the essential features of NextGen HRM along with an interactive dashboard. Users can generate their own report without any help from the IT department.


The key feature of NextGen HRM software is security. Every personal & company information, job and project can be added securely and restricted using password and user-admin configuration privilege.

Performance Management System

This is the most unique feature of NextGen HRM. Performance management system is the systematic approach to measure the performance of users. It is a process through which the organization aligns their mission, goals and objectives with available resources (e.g. Manpower, material etc), systems and set the priorities.

Attendance Management

The management system is fully digitalized. This system eliminates the hassle of manual attendance management.

User Profile

Every user data can be found in one click. User can be searched with ID or name. User can apply for leave and other applications very easily. Besides saving time, it keeps track of all the records of an user.

Cloud Solution

Primarily the NextGen HRM is a ‘cloud-based’ solution. Customized ‘Standalone’ and ‘Hybrid’ solution options are available according to customer need.

NextGen HRM (Android application)

Salary Dashboard

The salary is managed with the company’s predefined salary scale. User can see their monthly salary status and yearly salary report using android version of NextGen HRM

Leave Dashborad

User can keep track on their leave balance and applied leave status. They also can apply for leave using the app.

Performane Management Dashboard

User can measure their KRA and KPI using the app. They can set goals for certain tasks and keep track on the running tasks

Attendance Dashboard

User can give attendance so easily using the app. Monthly attendance can be kept in tack using NextGen HRM android app

Why NextGen HRM?

  • Fully customized, efficient, secured & user friendly solution
  • 24/7 customer support through phone, email & ticketing platform 
  • Cost effective solution providing accuracy, consistency and automation. 
  • Smart software built using the latest technologies viz. Artificial Intelligence, Data Modelling, Machine Learning.
  • Cloud based or standalone solution for small to large businesses 
  • Developed under guidance of certified subject matter experts, experienced researchers and strict industry standards. 
  • Continuous improvement of the software for customer satisfaction 
  • Training and mentoring based on client requirements

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